$448k Raised & Awarded

by Ujima Members


Ujima offers many ways to support our work and our youth

Membership Roles

Members can participate as much or as little as they want. You can help with any of the following:

  • New member recruitment

  • Event planning

  • Grant review

The Contribution

Members contribute a minimum of $1,100 to participate in our investment pool (men under 33 can pay a discounted rate of $550) to be awarded to at least one nonprofit annually through an our grant-making process.

Joining is easy

To contribute your membership funds to Ujima, please use the link below to complete our online form.*

Not ready to contribute? Use the button blow to pledge your support to let us know that you want to be involved. One of our team will reach out to you.

*Note: You will be redirected to The Community Foundation website. Choose "Ujima Legacy Fund" in the "Select Fund or Cause" field.

Attend an event

Bring a friend! Drop by an event to learn more about membership and the grants awarded by the men of Ujima.

Ujima Monthly Meeting
Third Thursday of each month from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Become a Friend of Ujima

Many business and individuals in the community want to help support the work of Ujima Legacy Fund. This can be done through financial donations, in-kind donations and sponsorship of a specifice event. These donations help us cover the overhead expenses related to running the organizations - insurance, printing, website hosting etc.

Some of our donations are also used to sponsor new members who otherwise couldn't afford to join Ujima but want to be involved in this amazing organization. Financial gifts can be made in honor or memory of a loved one. Non-membership financial donations do not provide the contributor with voting rights.
